Sunday, February 25, 2024

'Your Knees Will Never Get Better'

No, no. A thousand times no. If your doctor is saying this, you need to find another doctor. This is the one thing I am convinced of, after a months-long personal struggle with knee pain that I won.

I thought that today -- a day when I honestly wasn't sure whether to write a blog entry, or just disappear into the basement and do an hour or two of easy cycling -- I would make a short post on this subject.

It is really the "raison d'etre" of this blog, and of my book. I wanted to counter the pessimism because I heard the same "your knees will never get better." And they most emphatically did.

I know that some doctors say "your knees will never get better" because they don't want to sugarcoat the reality of knee pain, because they truly believe they are speaking the truth. Maybe that's the saddest part, that they just aren't aware of how aching knees can heal.

It's not easy, but it can be done.

Here are some posts I've written on the subject:

How I Saved My Knees (in Dialogue Format)

What I Did to Save My Knees

Plus, as a bonus, for anyone who has an aching back ... 

How I Saved My Back

All free posts! (The blog is always free!)

And: anyone with a success story they want to share? (I always love to get those stories out there.)