Sunday, October 6, 2024

Fighting Through That Hopeless Feeling

I got this comment from my latest blog post, and I imagine a lot of people here can relate:

I’ve been suffering from knee pain for 8 weeks now. I fell into the trap of “resting” and immobilizing because I was scared of pain, and because I couldn’t get free of the pain. Along the way I found your blog, and decided to try your methods. I finally got free from the pain 2 weeks ago. I walked 1,500 steps in the course of a day. Doing 50 to 100 steps every hour. And I woke up the next day with a return of pain. I’m so crushed and in disbelief. How did I go from walking 6 miles a day to unable to walk barely half a mile without pain? I feel so hopeless. I’m only 25.

Setbacks. They are ugly and so, so depressing. This fact has come into greater focus for me now, as I try to recover from whatever is ailing my left foot (maybe plantar fasciitis?). Twice, I thought I had this foot problem licked. And twice, I have had setbacks. Ugh.

So what should be said to someone who is only 25 and is unable to walk barely half a mile without pain? And who feels like everything is hopeless?

Well, first, I guess I'd say: look on the bright side. You're 25. That may be seen as a curse (what 25-year-old is cursed with chronic knee pain?). But it can also be viewed as a blessing. Younger bodies generally heal better. I would not write off being able to heal at any age, but it gets harder as a 65-year-old.

Then: have you seen a doctor or therapist? It might be time, if not. Sure, a doctor might leave you frustrated and confused. But it's possible that this doctor -- or an imaging test that's done -- may discover something going on in your knee that, in the end, will put you on a smoother glide path to healing. It always helps to have a professional examine your bad knees and question you about them and offer an opinion about what's going on.

And then, on your setback: I know how this feels. I remember trying to heal my knees, and the times when I pushed them a little too hard and suffered a setback. It was always crushing. That's a reason why, to this day, I say that healing my knees was by far the hardest thing I did in my life (and, as a result, the thing that I'm most proud of).

If walking bothers you now, you might think of trying gentle cycling (a stationary bike is generally better, as it's easier to control the force applied) or gentle movement in the water (is there a pool nearby?). And, if it makes you feel better, make yourself a big "I've Fought Through a Setback" badge and wear it proudly. You'll have more. That's typical of healing through knee pain.

Lots of luck, and don't give up!