Sunday, April 23, 2023

Anyone Have Thoughts About Going Barefoot?

I'm lifting this straight from the comments on my last post.

hello, what do you think about barefoot? I find it easier for my very damaged knees compare to Nike carbon (Alphafly) which are better when it comes to cushioning but foot and knee feels unstable

I never tried going barefoot to see if that would put less stress on my knees (well, except around my Hong Kong apartment, I suppose).

As I recall, I tended to look for as much cushioning in a sneaker as I could find. That was basically my footwear strategy.

In the book, I do mention a special pair of shoes I bought that were supposed to reduce stress on my knee joints. The manual in the box sounded very promising. I was very excited about trying them out.

But once I started walking around in these new (and rather expensive) shoes, I soon discovered they were a disaster. My knees felt worse. I quickly abandoned that experiment.

Still, healing knees is like running a series of experiments where you try things and toss aside what doesn't work, and keep trying. There's no magic one-size-fits-all formula. What works for me may not work for you, and that includes our choice of footwear.

Since I broached the subject, if anyone has experience with going barefoot, please weigh in below. Did it help or hurt your knees? I wonder sometimes about activities such as walking barefoot in loose sand, for someone who has knee pain, as that would seem to risk exacerbating instability in the joint.