Monday, July 4, 2011

"Saving My Knees" Is Now on Smashwords

Happy Fourth to all!

Now then, moving along ... one thing I've learned having a young (less than two years old) child around the house -- it takes about nine times as long to get anything done.

And so that's why I'm announcing on July 4 (instead of a month ago, as I'd originally planned) that Saving My Knees is now available through and all of the site's affiliated retailers (or will soon be; the current status appears to be "pending review.")

That means that people who aren't on Kindle -- who are using the Barnes & Noble Nook device, for example -- should be able to read Saving My Knees with the technology of their choice. (If you can't, post a comment below, and I'll look into it.)

A quick aside: I don't like the look of the Smashwords ebooks as much as the Kindle ebooks. With Kindle, I was able to tweak things (Amazon helpfully guides you to software that lets you preview your books) before uploading. Smashwords, unless I'm missing something, only lets you do a preview after their "meatgrinder" technology (not as ugly as it sounds) finishes converting your work to a format acceptable to them. I like many things about Smashwords, but their "one size fits all" meatgrinding, with the formatting limitations it imposes, isn't one of my favorites.

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